


Muscle Beach

Muscle Beach


Muscle Beach

MUSCLE BEACH. DENVER, CO, USA. Muscle Beach is comprised of three gentlemen dudes hailing from the mile high city of Denver, CO, whose beaches are nothing to brag about. Reviews: "Frantic post-hardcore that's already gotten a few comparisons to Refused... and there's maybe a little Blood Brothers in there too. Like those bands, they pull off being catchy, weird and aggressive all in the same song." –BrooklynVegan "First-rate... A wickedly good balance of Fugazi's discipline and Refused's intensity." –PopMatters "Post-Fugazi hardcore... A shambling, jagged basher. The band alternates between storming forward and throwing the listener off balance with their clanging riffage... like a title bout boxing match." –PunkNews https://musclebeachdenver.bandcamp.com https://www.facebook.com/pg/musclebeachparty


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