
Machine Code
Dj / продюсер
Machine Code
Machine Code aka Current Value & Dean Rodell is a project formed out of the true respect and passion for Techno originated dance music. Neither need introductions to any of the scenes they are planing to manipulate as these two heavy weights of the underground have been outputting quality release after release for over 20 years between them. Now after the few months of working the machines at the Subdivision Studio in Berlin, the stock piled arsenal is ready to be broadcast and inflicted upon the DNB, Dubstep & Techno minions. Along side the relentless studio session the Machine Code live will be carried through with the ideal to bring it back to that out of the box sound with a true manipulated modular synthesis approach. Ready to Crush sound systems in there path with relentlessly rushing and hypnotizing DNB, lung collapsing Dubstep and dark clanging Techno derived from the darkest depths of there abused machinery ... Real Names: Tim Hielscher, Dean Rodell Labels: Subsistenz, Subtrakt (Subdivision Media sub-labels) Links: Current Value MySpace :: http://www.myspace.com/currentvalue Dean Rodell MySpace :: http://www.myspace.com/deanrodell Machine Code MySpace :: http://www.myspace.com/machinecode Subdivision Media hub :: http://www.subdivisionmedia.com/
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