
Deejay / Москва
JÖRG BURGER AKA: BURGER/VOIGT // THE MODERNIST // STARDIVER // TRIOLA Under a multitude of monikers including Burger Industries, Triola, the Bionaut and the Modernist, Jorg Burger has established himself as one of the figureheads of Cologne's influential minimalist techno scene. Although his Modernist alter ego suggests a fascination with the present and the contemporary, Burger has (perhaps surprisingly) cited a love for the classic indie pop of 80s UK illuminati such as Aztec Camera, Orange Juice, Scritti Politti and the Smiths alongside his more expected techno-love. More unexpectedly still, on 2003's Kangmei Burger included a track named after the late T. Rex percussionist, "Mickey Finn". Having seemingly reached the same conclusion as peer and colleague Michael Mayer in his assertion that "Everything has been said as far as minimal techno goes . . ." (as early as 1992, he stated his intent as to make acid house with the spirit of pop), the Modernist's melodic minimalism is steeped with perfectly poised guitar harmonics and meticulously placed vocals. Despite this fondness for "classic pop", Burger describes 1988 the year acid house overtook the dance-floors of Europe, as his year zero. 2 years later he had released his first tracks via Thomas Fehlmann's Teutonic Beats compilation. One year beyond this, he founded the Trance Atlantic and Monochrome labels, releasing tracks by permutations of himself and his friend & partner Wolfgang Voigt aka Mike Ink. Immersed in this electronic music culture, Burger founded the Cologne department of the Delirium record store (which was to subsequently mutate into Kompakt) and the Eat Raw label and ran a magazine, House Attack. In ´95 he took part in the relaunch of the Harvest Label on EMI Germany, where he released the highly acclaimed albums The Bionaut: Lush Life Electronica and Burger /Ink : Las Vegas (together with Wolfgang Voigt). The peak of the label was reached in ´97, when Burger started his new project The Modernist with the album Opportunity Knox. 2 years & several releases later, Burger left Harvest to start his own label with Sony music. Burger was to subsequently birth the Popular Organization, the umbrella organization for the Popular Sound, Popular Music and Popular Tools imprints, the latter of which released his The Modernist Explosion 1999. The album was licensed & re-released in an expanded version by Matador Records, US under the modified title Explosion 2000. Matador before released the classic Burger/Ink album Las Vegas in the US. The ensuing Kangmei from 2003 included a track entitled "Protest Song" and Burger was seemingly making a protest/political assertion in giving his release a title that translated as "resist America". In fact it was a further variation on the everlasting ambiguity of his relation to America as an artist. 2004 saw his return to his friends and former partners from Kompakt, where he released the listening album Triola im Fünftonraum, a state-of-the-art update of his musical concepts as the Bionaut through the 90s. In late 2005 the Kompakt Studios were built and since then Burger´s working alongside Reinhard & Wolfgang Voigt, Jürgen Paape, Michael Mayer & Superpitcher.His latest album-release is a mix & mash up-cd for Stefan Struever´s new label faith recordings, called: collectors series pt.1 -The Modernist, released in august 2006. In december 2006 Echo Club, Burger´s new collaboration with Reinhard Voigt released its first 12" : Welcome to Echo Club on Kompakt. Also in spring 2007, Burger/Ink re-united under the new name Burger/Voigt - 11 years after Las Vegas. Their first releases are Bring Trance back and Roter Platz on Kompakt. Burger´s latest solo-releases ( also the first full releases under his own name) are Jörg Burger-Polyform 1 & 2 on the K2 label.
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