
Linda Lazarov
Dj / продюсер
Linda Lazarov
Linda Lazarov – продюсер и диджей из Хельсинки, резидент Kaiku, а также частый участник вечеринок в Post Bar. Будучи экспертом в электро, Линда тем не менее не ограничивается одним жанром, а активно разбавляет его ebm-ом, пост панком и техно. Внутри этого жанрового разнообразия она выбирает мрачную сторону с назойливыми вибрациями. На четырехлетии Resonance ждем ее в гости с диджей-сетом. Linda Lazarov is a Helsinki- based dj. Linda Lazarov has been making waves in the underground and club scene of Helsinki and also abroad. Herrensauna Invites in Munich, Global peace night in Tallinn, domestic mega events like Retriitti and Under the Bridge, and her frequent performances at Kaiku and Ääniwalli have been few platforms where you might have heard her play. 'Whatever it is you’re going through, you’re there to help people with whatever they’re going through. I have to put something on that’s going to cleanse the palate of whatever spiritual vibe is going on. I want to make them turn around and say, “Did he just fucking put that on?” Once I get their attention with that sonic hurt, I can get them caught up. Get them moving to that off-kilter, tribal Indian blues — that industrial drone, Sufi mantras on top of that four by four.'
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