
Outsiders - проект двух друзей Haim Lev и Guy Malka. За их плечами выступления на крупнейших псай транс фестивалях мира, а так же внушительный список коллабораций с топовыми псай транс продюсерами современности, такими как Tristan, Laughing Buddha, Avalon, Electric Universe, Rinkadink, Burn In Noise и многими другими. Outsiders is the exciting project of two significant producers based in sunny Israel - Haim Lev & Guy Malka. The Outsiders name has been fast developing and their releases have been backed and supported by an impressive number of international covering pretty much of the the top international circuit.Outsiders have released a bundle of successful original releases and a bountiful collaboration & remix tracks from the likes of Tristan, Laughing Buddha, Avalon, Electric Universe, Rinkadink, Burn In Noise, to name few. The Outsiders sound is always evolving and is highly influenced by the duos global interactions.
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