
Deejay / Москва
Timur Sardarov Timujin путешествовал по миру и накопил богатый опыт и воспоминания, которые он разделяет через свою музыку, взяв вас на приключение во время и эмоции. In constant search for new sounds, Timujin is a true visionary in his field, taking inspiration from the ethnic tunes and instruments, spiritual music and melodic vocals. He has travelled the world and accumulated a wealth of experiences and memories, which he shares through his music, taking you on adventure across time and emotions. An artist born on the playa of Burning Man desert, Timujin is the founder of White Ocean Community. Though the sand of the playa rings through many if his tunes, it’s the new melodic variations that don’t stop to surprise.
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